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Stand back and look at Dagenham

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What a great little club. They have a better ground then us a better P.A system and a more then half decent programme. Their burgers taste like poo but that really is the worst thing I can say about the club. They also had the the Dagenham angels. WOW.


Lets look at the ground. Okay the area behind the goals was tiny and it did fill a bit tight but they had a proper stand and it has sponsorship.


What about the PA system. No offence to the guy that does our one (it's not his fault, its the system) but it was nice to hear what the guy was saying today and the music was half decent.


The programme was quality. Proper shiney paper with the teams on the back page instead of some advert. I liked the page entitled sidelines which looks like stuff thet the fans can get involved in, in the local area. What do we have that match's that? Turn the page over and you get on this day which looks at this date in history, educational, informative and interesting.


If you carry on through the programme you read about the official supporters club news, played for both and news about previous meetings. What do we have that match's that? They even have an article about programmes, something that all footy fans can read and enjoy. It also includes info about their other teams (youth, ladies and ressies) which is informative and readable, I couldn't really care less what our lot are doing because I'm not interested. It's the clubs responsability to get me interested. Finnally it has a proper results and line up page, it looks decent. It is informative, I look at it and it looks familier. Our one I never read. I still buy our programme as a fan always should but I hardley ever read any of it.


The only good thing about today is that I managed to get in as a conscession, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

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i agree our p.a.sysyem is crap but also the guy on it isnt much better either the music that we play is poor. you could really get the crowd going if he put a bit of effot in to it.and played some decent tunes.also we could play so kind of tune when we score. though we wouldnt need much music at the moment.

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Their facilities etc ,may be a little better, but their fans are not a patch on the Fleet faithful...even at 3-0 down we were making more noise than them. That's something for US to be proud of...

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i don't go to many away games but i always enjoy going to Victoria Road.

League 2 standard, the best programme i have i seen at this level. fantastic clubhouse and only 50p to get in before and after the game, so professional not saying we aren't but not up to that standard.


i got in as consession as well.

TOP TOP GIRLS i was looking at them in the bar when they were warming up, lovely and all my age.

only bad thing the result but i look forward to next year. some good merchadise in there shop when i had a look as well.

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Thanks alot mate, very nice words from you and some other fans. To praise a club after losing 5-0 shows that some fans really are a credit to there club. When we lose by that margin i will normally go in a tantrum hehe. Brownie does a great job with the P.A though, the music was actually decent today aswell yes. We got programme of the year 2 years ago, Exeter beat us to it last year, but we normally do a good jobth the programme.


Otherwise glad we were welcoming, it was a local derby but there has never been any serious rivalry. We have alot of fans trying to raise money with certain schemes aswell such as Daggers Pledges where fans pay money for a goal and a clean sheet. Think we made £150 from todays result! Just trying to move the club forward.


As for the match, thought we didnt play that good really. Thought you were pretty average too, although things went for us, scored some cracking goals. Defensively we were brilliant however and we did create some good chances but 5-0 id flatter us a little.


Good Luck for the rest of the season, the games between us are always good, thanks for your comments aswell.

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Thanks for the compliments on the ground. I think it's great too.

However our fans are not always as quiet as that especially when were away.

Credit to your fans though you were great.

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also we could play so kind of tune when we score.

That, along with sponsored stadium names, is frankly one of modern football's greatest evils.

This is a good debate. I mentioned that Dagenham had a sponsored stand (is the ground sponsored? Whose Glyn Hopkin?) this sponsorship money gets them a nice little nest egg to rest on in times of trouble.

Playing a song after a goal is another thing that seems to be sneaking into football. Sheffield United used to (not sure if they still do) play and old Ska record from the early 80's called Tom Hark by the Piranha's. Its the one that Barnet fans sing along to "Top of the league, were having a laugh. Top of the league were having a laugh."

When they scored against Leeds in the league cu and Leeds were still a premiership team they played this for the first time. Brammel Lane went mad (as you would expect) and the music helped all of that. The same happened later on in the competition against Liverpool. Obviously you shouldn't need a piece of music after a goal is scored (especially against higher league opposition) But it is something that keeps the young people coming back. A lot of people don't want to sing unless prompted to do so. Music after a goal could be something making it's way to a stadium near you soon.

As for stadium sponsorship, even the mighty Barcelona have now succombed to the lure of sponsorship. If we get the new stadium deal look out for the "Gillette Stadium" or the "Gladwish Land Sales End."
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Glyn Hopkin is a local car dealer, we try to get everything sponsored!


I can't believe someone thought that you made more noise than us though, but that could be that I was standing right next to the drum! lol


I hope you don't have any more results like today, you're a great club (I have a particular affection because I live in Cliffe Woods and pass he ground every day!) and deserve more.

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I hope you don't have any more results like today,

Oh well, look at it this way. This time last year, we walloped Dagenham 4-0 at their own ground and they partd ways with a long-standing manager. Now they're revived and still in the play-off hunt.

A year's a long time in football (cliche alert!), so if we can at least steady the ship, let's hope things don't get this bad again.
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Their facilities etc ,may be a little better, but their fans are not a patch on the Fleet faithful...even at 3-0 down we were making more noise than them. That's something for US to be proud of...

Could not agree more! After the gam I walked through their carpark and their fans looked miserable . I felt like shouting "You've just won 5 nil, at least try a smile!!!"
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Could not agree more! After the gam I walked through their carpark and their fans looked miserable . I felt like shouting "You've just won 5 nil, at least try a smile!!!"

I think we were all in shock, especially as the game had 0-0 written all over it after the first 15 minutes.
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