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Cheating Scum


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a good performance from canvey made it look like we could win but all 3 points were stole from us by cheating officials!! the first dagenham goal was a 50/50 mix up between keeper and defence in the first half. but as we came out in the second half things started to look promising. we took a goal back from a great free-kick strike by jeff minton to level out the scores. but it can't all be good. a bad throw-in decision by the lino meant dagenham won a throw and ultimatley the match!! all 3 officials were appaling!!! enough said!!!!

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Yes the officials were bad today but the right result I feel. We didn't play that badly but Daggers tooktheir chances. End of!!


And for those moaners and whingers, get behind the side instead of slagging them off!!!

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Officials at this level are terrible and I've seen at lot worse last season - you have to get on with it and hope sometimes the breaks come your way.


On overall reflection I felt it was the right result. They exploited our weakness at the back when covering crosses and marking. They took their chances when they came and obtained more corners and had far more half chances than us. Daggers weren't a bad side and you felt it was going to be close and we could get a result - but a late, well taken chance clinched it in the end. The only difference was they were a bit bigger and were a bit more physical - Mints particularly suffering against them in midfield when trying to get up for headers or controlling the ball.


Agreed with Sterling being MOM - the whole team worked hard today. Daggers pressure meant that Duffy couldn't get out of our half as much as usual and link with JK - but they still chased everything. Bimson worked hard and I felt Clarke had a better game than when I saw him at the beginning of the season. Ibe and Lee must have been knackered running around in this heat. Mckinney still shows some indecisiveness for me but pulled off some cracking saves.


No moaning or slagging from me Yellow - IMHO the lads gave 100% and you can ask no more.


Overall a good game this afternoon but felt Daggers deserved it.

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Nice to see your fans arn't fickle. I thought the officials were awful, the referee was one of the worst i've seen in the last 2 years and we won!. In the 2nd half he made 3 very bad decisions awarding you free-kicks in dangerous places which may have cost us. One of them your player had already fell over yet won the free-kick. There was only suppose to be 3 minutes of stoppage time and he added on 7! Alot of players got yellow cards for silly things, although Duffy got nothing for kicking the ball away. He wasn't consistent although he made some strange decisions for us aswell.


As for the game when the whistle wasn't heard thought we had a very good 1st half, you started off with a good chance from Boylan but then we could have scored a few, although luckily one of them went in. The beginning of 2nd half you played some good football, i think we did take over the game and did deserve the win although I wouldn't say we were exceptional but did enough.


Good Luck for the season anyway..

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I just felt in the last 20 minutes the whingers took over. OK it wasn't a great performance but I didn't think we played that badly and put in a 100% performance. There was a crowd of nearly 1,500 there and in the last 10 minutes you could hear a pin drop.


To be honest I'd rather we'd get a crowd of nearly 400 and a better atmosphere rather than a big crowd and it all being a bit subdued.


If people are going to moan do it after the game and not during it. I honestly thought we didn't play that badly today but maybe people expect too much.

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There was only suppose to be 3 minutes of stoppage time and he added on 7!


Sorry - you won't see me complaining about that!! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


I thought the officials were awful, the referee was one of the worst i've seen in the last 2 years and we won!.


Should have seen the ref against Gravesend - he gave them a penalty when it was their player who handled in the box. As I say hopefully it will even itself out over the season - so some [****!!****] decisions going your way when we play at yours hopefully <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />



Alot of players got yellow cards for silly things, although Duffy got nothing for kicking the ball away.


To be honest I felt your players were more petulant - but hey you were going for a result and got it. The rest doesn't matter.

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Yellow Bungle - I agree with you on a few things not only on the above but on previous threads. But I cannot agree on the Ollie Bit, when we have a player waiting in the wings that is being ignored and should be considered. Because, for our c/midfield was taking far too long on the ball and getting captured, we need to be more decisive and for me Noto kills the ball and passes into slots almost in one motion.

Save that, I thought our guys worked hard today but D & R worked harder, they were more physical and more determined to win the loose ball. I totally agree with comments about officials, the linesman running their forward line in the first half missed offside time and time again, it appeared that he just could not keep up with direct style of play used D&R and they knew it and exploited it. That is something that we really must work on this season..

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Ollie used to have a good run from when he was in a central position and this got him a number of goals. Mints and Sedgemore do not tend to play like that. They tend to spend time on the ball and play it wide rather than having a dig. This can be frustrating as they tend to lose the ball more often which is putting us under pressure. Some of the best midfield displays I have seen in the Conf Nat are players who distribute the ball wide or through, they do it simply and above all quickly.


Agree that Mario kills the ball plays it quickly and likes to push forward and have a go - this could help our forwards and our goal tally. But like today Mints is able to do some top draw stuff - so there's some to tough competition for a place.


My concern is more with Bimson and Duffers when they push forward. If the ball is lost our remaining defenders don't seem to be able to organise or recover on a quick break - particularly if it comes back as a far post cross <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

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I think that we we need to replace minton and sedgey, until they have there from back, the only decent play from minton i have seen from the home matches was the freekick on saturday he can do all the twinkletoes stuff, but where does it get the ball nowhere!!. Sedgey seems to being having bad luck with his form, compared to last season. I am just wondering when we are going to use different players, as we have brought bunce and conroy and never see them on the pitch, with bunc's size and he great header ability surely he deserves first pace in a team, and i think we should get noto out on the field as he can create more chances for our striker boys!!. I also think that jeff might have seen sense in taking give me the ball cheeners out of the squard, as he seems to make more mistakes and his constant shouting of give me the ball to other players is putting them off. Sorry for the rant, but i cannot keep it inside me anymore, you may see me as a whinger, but i don't care what you think, my passion is seeing canvey improve and it cannot if some team members are not up to full performance yet.

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I thought that the linseman down our end was almost faultless. How you can blame him for a goal because he gave a throw in our end of the pitch is beyond me. The fact that we stood off the crosser instead of closing him down is the reason we conceded that goal, and when Kandol came on we were lucky not to concede more.


Ibe looked good again but with a player who plays so well with the ball at his feet I think we need to drop this long ball stuff once and for all. There were a couple of instances where we passed the ball really well, and it's no coincidence that these created our best chances.

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Jeff & Glenn go for a settled side and people moan they change the side and people moan (i see Chenery get`s a mention even when he`s not playing <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />) who would be a football manager!


Bunce may well get a chance now after we looked so poor every time the ball was launched into our box but i`m not sure if Sterling (man of the match) or Wardy deserve to be left out, and i certainly wouldn`t replace Duffy with Conroy.


I agree that Sedgemore has been quite the last few games but i don`t think Mario could cope with the defensive holding role he does, for me it`s a straight choice between Mario and Minton and i still would pick Minton to start at the moment.



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I mentioned after the first couple of games that the squad looked good, a lot better than last season. I also mentioned that I didn't think this was our "settled side" and it possiby needed tweaking. It was changed after three games and I think it will change again.


As for the management - damned if they do and damned if they don't.


It's a double edged sword - I admire the fact that when they saw the two central defenders put in a bad game they were dropped. I trust it will send out a message to others that they need to perform consistently to be picked. However, this then buggers up the "settled squad"


Agree with your point regarding Bunce - once Daggers started playing a more long ball game I couldn't help but think Bunce would have been more effective in central defence. It would have been harsh but dropping Wardy for Bunce may have been an option.


There have been some very good points raised and I don't see them as slagging, whinging or negative, they are valid points so bring them on. We should all be allowed to express our views whatever they are and whether we agree with them or not. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/argue.gif" alt="" />

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YELLOW said:
Yes the officials were bad today but the right result I feel. We didn't play that badly but Daggers tooktheir chances. End of!!

And for those moaners and whingers, get behind the side instead of slagging them off!!!

i agree
the officals cannot be perfect every game and human after all. the games are all about taking the scoring chances.
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