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Richie Howard


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There is certainly competition at ETFC.


From current form we could wait a month of Saturdays but RH would never score a goal like Ritchie's first on Saturday. After all to beat one man RH finds very difficult but to beat 2 and then slide the ball past the goalkeeper - on current form all RH would say is "I'm here not there" or "I do not believe you done that."

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It's all well and good crowing about Ritchie's two goals on his debut and well done to him. However, it is time that will tell. If I remember rightly Seb Ndombe played very well in his first game for us but hasn't lived up to initial expectations. Everyone was praising Howard after his first few performances. Mick Mean It Magnussen (alias Dan trnkle of Burnham) has pointed out that Ritchie can be inconsistent and not try all the time. For me, the guy who always gives 100% is Lee Smith. He puts the fear of God into oponent's defences.

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For me,Smith and Greene should be starters.Howard and Hammett should have to work for a starting place,as they are the new boys.I also think that Negus has suffered from Morgan and Woodward taking over his favoured Left side.Matty is not the same on the right. I would like to see Matty tried in a more central role.

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Softie said:
Sounds like mischief making to me! Why would he want to take a step backwards into the dark ages. Potters Bar might be able to keep him in fags but I thought he was ambitious.

Another typical Enfield Town post! We are six games into a 42 game season and already certain supporters seem to think they are bigger and better than other clubs in the same division as them. Is this just because you have made a better start to the season? Is it because ETFC supporters really believe their club is bigger than it actually is? Is it that some supporters feel that the highlight of a player's ambition is to play for ETFC? Is it that ETFC supporters expect every player to come to them for the money? Or is it just small-mindedness that stops some people facing the prospect of a player leaving their beloved club without feeling the need to try and belittle either the player, the club he is joining or both?

Just remember that we came out of a much stronger league than you did and did so with a much lower budget than some of our rivals. With the exception of Burnham Ramblers last season, you had the biggest budget in the ESL and twice in four years failed to win it. Once you didn't even make the promotion positions. Yet now, after a reasonable start to the season you suddenly feel you are that much superior to clubs lower down the table! Yes, we have made a poor start but we are confident that we can turn it around. If and when we do, you won't find me bad-mouthing the teams down at the bottom end of the table - even if the fates decreed that ETFC were to turn out to be one of them.

I do not see the point of comparing any club less favourably than yourselves, especially so early in the season. You are leaving yourselves open to be shot back at if you do. If you keep doing it, you also never know when you might upset the next litigiously-minded Chairman.

Richard Howard's departure was a combination of the dislike of our previous manager and the "overtures" of your manager in the summer. Now that our previous manager has departed Richard is happy to return, particularly as he will also be undertaking a coaching role at the club. He is showing than money isn't everything and he wants to play in an environment where he feels happiest. Perhaps he does feel that he has a guaranteed starting place at Potters Bar and this may be as great a lure as the possibility to pursue a coaching career. But what is wrong with wanting to play every week? ETFC supporters will know that the number of strikers you have means that he was never going to get a full season of games and yet you seem to resent him leaving.

Once again, it is a minority of ETFC supporters voicing their opinions on here. The majority are very good supporters and, as I have said many times before, several are good friends of mine. I enjoy reading the light-hearted banter on here but, once again, a few are making themselves unpopular and giving opinions which are only going to reinforce other people's beliefs that ETFC supporters live in their own secular world.

Richard Howard is returning to Potters Bar Town. Wish him well, get over it and let both clubs move on.
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If Howard is returning to PBTFC then all the best to him. I did not see enough of him to make a fair judgement. However, I do think that Smith and Greene could make a very useful partnership and Jim should show some loyalty to last season's ESL winners. I also wish Potters Bar Town FC good luck (aprt from when they play us) for the rest of the season. To have achieved the right ground grading in order to get promoted you guys must of done one heck of a good job and lots of hard work on your ground as it seemed to me when we met in the MCC that there was much to do.

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Climb back into your pram.

For God's sake, Players at this level move around Clubs.

It would be dissapointing if RH leaves the Town, but not the end of our Team OR our World.

Does not say much for PBT squad if there is no competition for places.

If RH is a good player - let him stay at ETFC and fight for his place. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/boxing.gif" alt="" />

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Good luck richard, I wish you well, boo hoo - wait, thats better,i'm over it, wow! I think i'll, wait, hey I've moved on. How about you Potters Bar? Can we be friends again <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bisou.gif" alt="" />




<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/icon_smokin.gif" alt="" />

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Regarding the ETFC budget for players expenses.Every single penny paid to players comes out of the pocket of supporters.We do not have a rich backer.If we collect a little bit more money through the turnstiles, and from organising fundraisers, than most other clubs at this level.Then we are entitled to have a slightly higher wage budget.The percentage of our gate money going into expenses if no higher (in fact probably lower) than most clubs at this level.In comparison with higher levels of non-league football,then it is miniscule.

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