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It wasn't a handball (Live from Southport)


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But, given the above posting and Fordy's interview, I hope that the video backs us up & the sending off is annulled.


Although according to the BBC Text, we picked up 2 other silly bookings - Jacko for dissent and Owen for "Enterring field of play without permission". If we are going to avoid an FA fine, we really need to stop such bookings. (According to BBC Text Jacko was booked for dissent twice in 2 second half minutes !! And Barry Jones was sent off for Southport, when Steve Jones committed the foul !!)

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It wasn't a handball (Live from Southport)

I agree - the ref wasn't sure, he consulted a linesman who flagged when the players appealed - the players were appealing before the crowd.

From where I was it appeared that the ref didn't originally think it was a handball and even the linesman could not be definite about it. Don't think he would have give it had it not been for crowd pressure. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
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I hope that's the case...though somehow I suspect that that would not be submittable as evidence....?!

For my view (albeit the same as everyone else's) I'd swear blind that I saw Skins haunch his shoulder (good) but that the ball cannoned off his upper arm which was raised too(bad)

Maybe that's just "how" I saw it given our luck this season...

Played really well with ten men though - just like England!

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I wasn't suggesting we send the unwashed shirt to the FA, just pointing out that perhaps the referee did get it a tad wrong. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


If i were the Southport manager, I would be sending in the video as well. It was a penalty, but in my view Che was angling his run away from the goal, so under the strict interpretaion of the rules a yellow card was the correct decision.


Perhaps a case of two wrongs etc.......

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I wasn't suggesting we send the unwashed shirt to the FA

Neither was I.....how does one type ironically?? Maybe in italics in future....

I thought Che was in a good enough position to shoot and indeed score from there and Jones did appear to be the last man......oh, who knows.
It was an incredibly clumsy challenge though.
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Heh heh heh.


It simply seemed to deflected off his body and over the bar rather than his hand.


Added to that were the responses of the officials compared to the over-reacting Southport players and supporters.....


.....never a penalty.


Still, what's done is done - what we need now (thanks to the video)

is for the card to be revoked to alleviate the risk of a £12k fine.

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Just out of interest - if a Premiership club reached the same disciplinary points as us, what would the extent of their fine be? the same, or relative to their status?


I only ask because they get the benefit of Sky/BBC/ITV video replays and so on to rescind decisions, and unless we're fortunate to have a blurry Super 8 picture, we have to just accept the ref's decision with no comeback - and get hit in the pocket when we can't afford it.

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submittable as evidence....?!

A juvenile schoolboy-like error there, I'm certain it's not even a word..!!??
Spent the weekend in the `port - very messy, but tis no excuse. `Kin English graduate too.......

Taken from the Chambers online dictionary <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

submit verb (submitted, submitting) 1 intrans (also submit to someone) to surrender; to give in, especially to the wishes or control of another person; to stop resisting them. 2 tr & intr to offer (oneself) as a subject for an experiment, treatment, etc. 3 a to offer, suggest or present (eg a proposal) for formal consideration by others; b to hand in (eg an essay or other piece of written work) for marking, correction, etc • He submitted the essay late. 4 (usually submit to someone) to defer to someone or something • I submit to your better judgement. [color:"red"]submittable or submissible [/color] adj. submitted adj. submitter noun. submitting noun.
ETYMOLOGY: 14c: from Latin submittere, from sub beneath + mittere to send.
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