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Has providing ID caused any problems. Personally I did not have a problem with it, but I think it would be most unwise to send one's passport through the post and if someone sends a bus pass they can't use it until it is returned - possibly a gap of about a week. I don't have any under 16's now, but how does one send ID for them? A lady in her 80's was speaking to me today and she has paid for her season ticket for the past two seasons, although she cannot go to the football as she is in a wheelchair now, and has just paid for it as her contribution to the club. She has no passport and no bus pass, and it occurred to me that there may be others with no passport and no bus pass,but who are still able to go to football. This lady did say that she had been having concessionary ST's for 20 years and had never been asked for ID before. She can't raise the point herself as she does not possess a computer. Also does this mean that proof of ID for concessions will be required at the turnstyles for non ST holders?

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The Truth said:
What are you studying.....spelling?

Let's not be so silly and start criticizing, because let's be honest, if u you are more intelligent than me you would have recognized that what I sed was typing slang.

It is a shame when the older generation tries to get one over the ppl coming up in the world. You will get their comeuppance when we take your jobs. You oldies can try and make those pub quizes specific to you, but us students will eventually get too good for you.

BTW do I get money off fleet games for being a student?
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Too late now, to open it up for the 2004/05 season, but I feel offering concessions to full-time students makes sense. Don't know if they still do it, but Kent CC used to let me in for half price with my NUS card, a couple of aeons ago when I was at university.


Also, looking at the application form, Vera's right, the bit asking for proof of identity needs a bit more thought. Not fair to expect someone to go without their bus pass for who knows how long, or to risk sending their passport.


Think I'll post a message on the "Official" (& dead boring!) Forum, suggesting they have a think, consider accepting photocopies of documents for concessions & not requiring proof from repeat applicants, then stick a prominent announcement on the News Page & in the local press. Also agree - people on the gate should have to provide proof of entitlement.


Graham S

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We have to go through a similar procedure when taking on new clients because of the money laundering laws, but the big difference that the proof of idenity part, MUST NOT be sent through the post but brought in by hand. After all unless you see the person and the passport together, how do you know it's one and the same person.

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