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Tonights Game

Pat (QPR)

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It was clear to me against Margate that Ben White is a quality player, as you would expect being a Gills reserve, however since then he looks as though he really can not be bothered and as if he is sulking at being sent down the road to Fleet - if that is the case then I'd rather he'd sod off back to Gillingham and put a fully committed (though not as talented) Rob Owen or Danny Lye in the middle of the park.



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Ok Super Daz ill say it for u as to we tend to agree usually.


The problem area highlighted even more after tonights performance are the strikers. All the strikers played tonight and this was their chance to show us and Andy that they are good enough for conference football and a chance for them to reclaim some confidence with some goals. The first half was the most abysmal that i have watched from 3 Fleet strikers. I thought he was called the Beast but he was absolutely woeful tonight, he falls over his legs in goalscoring positions like a baby giraffe and generally at this stage in his career needs 30 times as many chances as Andy Cole does to score...I thought he was going to be the key once he got fit but he really was poor and im starting to have doubts abt him.

Even worse than him was Che who for some reason was playing deep for most of the first half giving the ball away or generally slipping over at every oppurtunity. He looks a real average player at best at the moment..


As people have said before, we had no real goalscorer last yr at Ryman league and we havent yet got one this season. Budgie worked ok but im unconvinced whether he is conference standard either. I'd be surprised if we could recoup our 2k for him to be honest. Louie looked useful when he came on and made some cracking runs but he was playing from the middle of the park.


We need a striker Andy Ford and ideally a loan striker from a football league club. If not we could do worse than take Paul Moody off Aldershot till the end of the season.

The midfield/defence was pretty makeshift,,.Tostao had a decent first 60 minutes yet went off the boil when he moved to the left hand side... The PASE no.6 was absolutely awful. Had no pace, no touch and was nowhere near Premier division of the Gravesend League let alone Gravesend and Northfleet.


All in all tonight was a disgraceful performance...Perhaps we should try and tout Che around some Ryman teams...


Vansittart for Gravesend !!



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Well I would like to agree with you completely Matt, but I was very disapointed with the midfield rather than the forwards who all grafted with little or no service.


Liam looked exactly what he is... a talented but RAW player who did absolutely nothing tonight. Last year there were people who were slagging me off for saying he wasn't the best thing since sliced bread, bet you can't say the same now... God I wish I was wrong.


Che appeared to be under orders to look for the ball which meant that Budge (who looks a real prospect) was foreging around by himself. Che had a poor agame, but I would wager he was not playing his natural game. Therefore I would not be too quick to have a go at him.


I wish all those pratts who were calling for Tostel on Saturday were here tonight, he was, shall we say, average. He is a great talent which needs to be used sparingly until he matures, I think, from his reaction at the end of the match, that he is aware that he can do better.


Benno had a poor game as well tonight, I can say that without too much trouble as I believe him to have been our best player over the whole season, as for the rest, well, shall we say they underperformed, with the honourable exception of Louis Evens and Jamie Turner who were more than useful.


What really pissed me off was the lack of desire in the team as a whole. It was a cold night, the ground was empty, but I was there, as well as 200 other supporters and we deserved better.

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Just seemed we werent really bothered from first minute to last.


The only real bit of football we played created the second goal.


The comments above say Tostao played well, but even he seemed to have very little "fire in his belly", and whilst he put in one or two fair crosses, he never really produced anything exceptional.


Even Mark Bentley seemed totally disinterested tonight - most unlike him - but then he was playing on the left for much of the game when he is a better player in the middle or on the right.


I agree that White again looked very average tonight, and if he wants to earn himself another contract at a league club, he will have to do a lot better. ( Given his performance against Margate, he's obviously got the ability but whether his attitude is right, its difficult to tell)


Thought tonight could help kick start Che's season again, but Andy clearly suggested he should drop deeper, which didnt really help, and he looked totally lost for confidence.


Liam seemed lacking his usual passion as well.


I seem to recall similar performances in this competition in previous seasons, when we have got away with it.


Its so very disappointing when, even with reserve and PASE players in the team, we should win these matches. Still, Erith definitely wanted it more tonight & thoroughly deserved their win - one thing to be thankful for was the fact they scored a winner inside 90 minutes - God forbid that we had to put up with another 30 minutes of that.


Ok, the competition is pretty meaningless, but we were the holders, and it is a case of winning 3 matches and winning the trophy, so it doesnt weigh very heavily on the season as a whole. I just hope that we really are concentrating our efforts on the Conference survival battle and that it prduces the results we want.

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I wish all those pratts who were calling for Tostel on Saturday were here tonight,

Thats a bit harsh isn't it. Prats because they don't agree with you?

I know are strikers are not playing too well at the moment. But surely the service they are getting from the midfield is not helping there game.
I am starting to think that tostao is a last half hour player, and we obviously didn't need him on Saturday, but he can change things, (when playing well) and does create chances.

As for last nights game, I think everyone was poor with the one exceptions being Louie Evans, who was outstanding when he came on and Budgie, who showed some great chances.

All in all a dire game. I think this was expressed, when the whole crowd groaned when the PA announced that in the event of a draw, extra time will be played.

Nevermind, now we can concentrate on the league!!
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I have had a long think about this during the morning. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but IMHO? yep I still think they were pratts!


I think that Fordy got the team selection right on Saturday. Similarly, I think he got the team selection and more importantly the formation wrong last night. And before anyone jumps on me..... No I dont think I could do better!


We needed a confidence boost last night, but in picking a side that didn't perform we screwed up.


Still, on the bright side, I did win the 50-50! and things could be worse, I could be a Farnboro' supporter!

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yep I still think they were pratts!

Fair Enough,

I agree about last nights team and formation.

I can't understand why louie Evans was playing midfield, surely it would have been better to see how he got on upfront and lets face it he isn't going to be playing midfeild in the league.

Mind you, now that I think of it, I don't think I could do any better either. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
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Agre with u Andy the right formation was played on Saturday. Coming back to my fave. subject of strikers. Its been commented that the fwds had no real service but i disagree. Our first choice strikers were out last night and against lowly Dr.martens opposition they should have better skill, pace, movement, shooting etc etc.. I thought the shooting by Che and Liam was again well below standard and when they got the ball they could do nothing really with it which was really disappointing to see. I sound like a scratch record so i will stop now !!

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It was clear to me against Margate that Ben White is a quality player, as you would expect being a Gills reserve, however since then he looks as though he really can not be bothered and as if he is sulking at being sent down the road to Fleet - if that is the case then I'd rather he'd sod off back to Gillingham and put a fully committed (though not as talented) Rob Owen or Danny Lye in the middle of the park.

Let's nail this down once and for all. Ben is not here on loan, there is no question of him going back to Gillingham. They have released him and he is now a Gravesend player.
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