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Season Ticket Prices Freeze for 08-09

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At midnight last night, voting closed on the various decisions which had to be taken regarding season ticket pricing for next season. Thanks go to everyone who considered and voted on thes issues, the MyFC members who researched and put the vote together and to Cheryl in the EUFC ticket office for her help and advice. The results of the votes are as follows:


What price should the football club set full season tickets at for the 2008/09 season?


The same price as this season: 48.8% (3301 votes)

5% more than this season: 26.6% (1797 votes)

5% less than this season: 7.4% (502 votes)

10% less than this season: 6.8% (462 votes)

I abstain: 6% (410 votes)

10% more than this season: 4.3% (293 votes)



Would you like the football club to offer mini season tickets of 5 games and 11 games which can be used to attend any 5 or 11 league games throughout the season? These tickets will be charged at 5% pro rata above the price of a full season ticket.


Yes: 85.3% (5789 votes)

No: 7.9% (536 votes)

I abstain: 6.8% (463 votes)



The football club currently offer free entry to league matches to under 17 year olds for an annual payment of

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Originally Posted By: Yorkfox

Over the next few days, supporters and members will be able to purchase the season ticket of their choice as well as take advangtage of the 'early bird' offer before 30 April.

Need to get this published then ASAP - Thats only 3 weeks!

And bearing in mind that people have just shelled out for Wembley tickets, it might be an idea to extend this for a couple of weeks!

And well done to the 2000 feckwits (thats almost a third!) who thought it was a good idea to put the prices up! Get back to playing with internet football, and leave the REAL stuff to those who care!
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Originally Posted By: PatMan

And bearing in mind that people have just shelled out for Wembley tickets, it might be an idea to extend this for a couple of weeks!

I think this would be a good idea. Was surprised the vote didn't include the option of payment by installments.
Originally Posted By: PatMan

And well done to the 2000 feckwits (thats almost a third!) who thought it was a good idea to put the prices up!

Takes all kinds Pat - I argued for a 5%-10% cut - unfortunately I was ignored again. I think part of the reason for people voting for an increase might have been because the accounts haven't been published yet and people were worried about money.
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Originally Posted By: doheochai

Takes all kinds Pat - I argued for a 5%-10% cut - unfortunately I was ignored again. I think part of the reason for people voting for an increase might have been because the accounts haven't been published yet and people were worried about money.

I don't care for the excuses - if those 2000 who voted to increase the prices turned up at the ground, then they might have some validity. Till then - feckwittery of the highest order. Its complete sh!t responses like that (the survey, not yours) which take MyFC backwards from the progress they have made...
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Originally Posted By: PatMan

Takes all kinds Pat - I argued for a 5%-10% cut - unfortunately
I don't care for the excuses - if those 2000 who voted to increase the prices turned up at the ground, then they might have some validity. Till then - feckwittery of the highest order. Its complete sh!t responses like that they take MyFC backwards from the progress they have made...

It's a good job not all of them bothered to vote then, or it could be a different story crazy
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Originally Posted By: PatMan

I don't care for the excuses - if those 2000 who voted to increase the prices turned up at the ground, then they might have some validity. Till then - feckwittery of the highest order. Its complete sh!t responses like that they take MyFC backwards from the progress they have made...

But Pat, the majority didnt say put prices up, so the price stayed the same. If there is any Wisdom in the so called "wisdom of crowds", atleast they probably didnt mess this vote up, as an increase in my option would have been poor.

It could be argued with a bit of yearly inflation thrown into the equation, it is a small drop in real terms as a politician might say.

I posted your comment about the Apr 30 deadline being tight onto the comment pages on the other site, I suggested May 10 could be an option.

Turnout was poor again in the voting.
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Originally Posted By: Yorkfox

But Pat, the majority didnt say put prices up, so the price stayed the same. If there is any Wisdom in the so called "wisdom of crowds", atleast they probably didnt mess this vote up, as an increase in my option would have been poor.

Precisely my point - you agree its poor, I would guess that most fans who actually have to pay out would agree it was poor - yet 2000 complete sh!t-for-brains who DONT GO think it was a good idea!
Originally Posted By: Yorkfox

It could be argued with a bit of yearly inflation thrown into the equation, it is a small drop in real terms as a politician might say.

Or the straw that breaks the camels back?
Originally Posted By: Yorkfox

Turnout was poor again in the voting.

MyFC in poor vote turnout shocka!
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Originally Posted By: doheochai
Takes all kinds Pat - I argued for a 5%-10% cut - unfortunately I was ignored again. I think part of the reason for people voting for an increase might have been because the accounts haven't been published yet and people were worried about money.

May 2007 accounts have been around for at least 3 months, (they had to be filed at Companies House by 31st March)
and I wouldn't expect the May 2008 accounts to be available before November at the earliest.

So if that is the excuse, it is rather lame.
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Over 6,750 Ebbsfleet United supporters, old and new, voted on the MyFootballClub website to freeze ticket prices for the 08/09 season.


They also voted in favour for a 16% price reduction on tickets purchased before 30 April 2008. Having taken the views of so many into account, hopefully the prices will reflect the wishes of supporters, and we can beat this season's total of 240 full and mini season tickets sold.



Prices pre-April 30 2008 (post-April 30 prices are in brackets)


Season ticket type


Terrace/behind goal

Full adult :

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Thanks Mark. I shall wander along prior to 30 April & leave my cheque.


If I may offer a suggestion ? For those of us who are not MyFC members, and therefore do not have have access to the MyFC site/forum, it may be better for your Board to collate the relevant info and have it posted officially on the Club Website, rather than bits and pieces posted at random on here. I know Ed is away at present and therfore there maybe a delay in updating Website, but you may save yourselves a lot of aggro if you collated such announcements/news/info for the "rank & file" supporters.



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Originally Posted By: Hirsty
Thanks Mark. I shall wander along prior to 30 April & leave my cheque.

If I may offer a suggestion ? For those of us who are not MyFC members, and therefore do not have have access to the MyFC site/forum, it may be better for your Board to collate the relevant info and have it posted officially on the Club Website, rather than bits and pieces posted at random on here. I know Ed is away at present and therfore there maybe a delay in updating Website, but you may save yourselves a lot of aggro if you collated such announcements/news/info for the "rank & file" supporters.


No probs mate. I will mention it. For what it is worth that info wasn't mention on the other site either.

I will try and make sure comms are better.

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