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What a [***!!***] shambles that performance was. No heart, no fight, no [***!!***] spine. I don't give a [***!!***] about the league table and how much the difference is in wages, because when I see my team put in such a gutless display as that, it makes me want to jack it all in. We would have been better off with 11 people picked off the terraces, at least we would have shown what passion and pride is. Today highlighted how much this club has plummeted since the debacle at Havant last season, we've lost all our support and lost players that actually gave a toss about this football club (and when this current crop of so-called players get us relegated, be in no doubt that they'll all [***!!***] off). I looked around the bar after the game only to see a sea of faces that didn't give a [***!!***] [***!!***]. Happy [***!!***] smiley faces they all were, completely oblivious to the misery that they inflict on us all. I can also tell you that happy smiley faces are quite common after such defeats. It has become increasingly difficult for myself and other loyal supporters of Billericay Town who attend every game to get behind a team containing a number of players who appear to show little or no regard for the people who pay what wages they do receive. We can cope with losing (even to Canvey!), what we can't cope with is a show of half-hearted displays by so-called players. I sign off now, [***!!***]-off, disillusioned and with a very heavy heart of what is happening to the club I love.

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well said Ryan, agree with what you said on the back of what i saw today. I think we bottled it today. Our players were 1-0 down in their heads before we started today. I know playing a good team like canvey is not an easy task but we had nothing to lose, but no one was getting stuck in and looking like they wanted to give it their best shot. Also how many more goals are we going to gift teams this season?


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I actually disagree with Ryan on this one. i thought Luke graham had his best game for us, the two centre halves did ok as well. I thought our defending in open play was the best its been for some time altho granted there s still plenty to work on from set pieces.


In midfield i thought black and dormer both worked hard as well. everyone (except me) wanted to play 3 up front against canvey and it clearly didnt work (nah nah nah nah nah). We were overrun in midfield and the front three didnt work hard enough to cover. they should take a leaf out of lee boylans book who was still chasing back in the 90th minute with the game won.


theres no point getting cut up about losing to canvey. they arent ten points clear by accident and they were just better than us. end of chat.


a big plus was the crowd which must have been about 1000 so some much needed cash brought in.


we have another difficult game coming up (can anyone confirm nyd 3.00pm ko yet?) and i would go back to 4-4-2. hopefully davidson will be fit/here? i would bring him in in place of andy jones and give tolan a start alongside hockton


there s no point slating the players for losing to canvey. to my mind its the games against northwood aylesbury heybridge etc that we should be worried about.



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That is the sort of result you get when you are out numbered and out sung by the away supporters. At least your players turned up. Canvey fans push their players. people were telling me in the bar before the game that you are going to be relegated, I did not realise the season was over yet.

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I agree with jl (not about the three up front) but at the fact that i was no disgrace to have lost yesterday. That wasn't to say that I'm not gutted. Must say that I thouight 3-0 a little harsh. Thought 2-0 was a fair result but hey, thats football.


As for mobrien, will all those supporters be there whne you're bottom of the Conference. Success is relative my friend, the Conference ain't no walk in the park. The best Ryman sides (football and supporters) have beaten you to the post three seasons running, so I would keep your mouth shut. Without the Dagenhams, Aldershots and Farnboroughs, this league is showing up very poor this season. I would expect you to walk it without thise teams

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I never expected us to beat Canvey. What I did expect was for us to have a real go at them, that never materialised. We beat Canvey at the end of last season with nothing more than a team made up of loan and reserve players. How did we beat them? Because we fought for every tackle and header and worked our nuts into the ground. My rant wasn't just aimed at the Canvey game but for those previous games where we have been let down as well. I take nothing away from the players after recent performances at Grays and Hitchin, where we showed that we can compete if we want to. We are bottom of the league for christ sakes, we have to scrap and fight in every game we play. Now, after saying all of that, I still believe we can get out of the mire. We are entering that stage of the season now where it is "put up, or go down". If the players have enough belief and desire then we'll do it. Roll on Hayes!

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That is the sort of result you get when you are out numbered and out sung by the away supporters.


Good away support in numbers, I never expected that Canvey could muster up that many people for a home game let alone an away match! At the end of last season, you barely numbered 50 people, just goes to show how fickle football is! Sssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh............

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Gazza - you have just cut your own nose off; Other than Canvey there are some good teams with good players in this League this term: look to Hornchurch, Thurrock, Hayes and a few more. Down the quality of the teams in this term will only make your own sorry position look even worse..


MoBrien, as I recall tried on a number of occassions to warn your lot of what to him appeared to be the future of your club and you all chose to ignore him and abused his postings. Your club is currently in a slump, dont take it out on the bearer of bad tidings.

Nobody, even us lot at Canvey with our rivalry do not enjoy seeing a team with a past pedigree such as yours look to be in such a bad way.

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Ryan.c said:
That is the sort of result you get when you are out numbered and out sung by the away supporters.

Good away support in numbers, I never expected that Canvey could muster up that many people for a home game let alone an away match! At the end of last season, you barely numbered 50 people, just goes to show how fickle football is! Sssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh............

Well you were bloody quieter than us! Football is fickle and I'm not a big fan of all these 'glory boys' who turn up just for the big games. I was one of the 50 people at New Lodge last Easter Monday and if we do get to the Conference and if we do struggle I'll still be there no matter what.

You say our fans are fickle but I seem to remember your crowds being around the 600 mark not so long ago, now they're just over 300.
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Why do you lot insist on slagging everyone of just because they have a different view I refer you to an earlier posting by me.


"Nobody in their right mind can want that, I will grudgingly admit that BTFC is a very important part of essex and non league football.


The fact that the situation has been manufactured by your chairman does not alter the situation things are now at.


I will therefore like to suggest that the stay away supporters protest at every game, write to your chairman, write to the papers and even write to the government.


You must however turn up to the games and get behind your team, you must cheer on your players and put your money over the turnstiles, you must buy a programme, you must buy a burger otherwise you may not have a club at all.


I cannot tell you all I know as I may be challenged in court, but you must know that this is the most crucial time in your clubs history and you must turn up at the games and spend your money.


If this message is coming from me knowing my views on the move take it as serious."


I saw no evidence of any of the above suggestions being followed that is why as I predicted you are in this sorry mess.




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Oh! For those interested I have met Mr Moore on three occassions now at the planning meeting, and twice at the hearing. I have been very vocal about my views on all occassions he has never once challenged them publicly, he always looks away and to the floor (he knows what I know).


Funny how when he saw me in the bar on boxing day he did not take the opportunity to tell me I was talking out of my [****!!****].


I am not attacking your cub Stadia is.

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As for following my club through thick and thin I did not know they would be top of the league by 13 points when I bought my season ticket.


Anyone thinks this is a weak league knows nowt about football and should be even more concerned to be at the bottom.


Happy new year and I mean that.

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I was having trouble with my internet connection and my knee jerk reaction was posted before the connection colapsed. I was going to explain my comments but thought "sod it" before I got kicked off.


I must say, you were well supported but like any football fan or supporter it is easy to do when you're flying high. Your comment concerning Canvey supporters "push" their players rings true for that game. Easter Monday 2003, when the league was all but won by Aldershot, I didn't hear a lot of that. In fact you were quite quiet. Also, the gate being around 700 for that particular game would suggest that the "average" loyal Canvey supporter ain't that loyal when it looks as if you are gonna win "jack". But hey, no sour grapes on my part - lol. I agree with Ryan, I was more upset that with a good win under our belts, playing 3 up front, we didn't go for you (which was the only way playing three up front would've worked). You cruised and gave us a show of exhibition football at the end of the game.


As for my comments about the state of this league, I stand by them. Having seen every game Billericay have played this season and most of the oppo (Hayes being the exception), I think the quality is well down on previous seasons, Canvey being the only real quality team (God that hurts) in the league. And that is proved by the way you are walking away with the league at the moment. Someone mentioned Hornchurch and various others...Three teams out of 24...Not bad average then? I think that bears my sentiments out.


As for the comments about our ground and future of the club. I said this once and I'll say it again. Don't comment on what you don't know. You have come on here and made various statements in the past, all of which have attacked the club, chairman, supporters who didn't agree with you (or them) and Stadia and Stadia's plans in other parts of the UK (some of which I'm sure were not all true). We remember mobrien and we were warned well before you started your campaign by our own supporters. There has been a lot of lies, rumours, opinions (made mostly by non Billericay supporters), personal attacks and other things posted on this forum. We don't need anymore especialy from someone who lives in Basildon and supports Canvey. Your comments have been noted in the past and commented on thank you. Whatever the problems are, the future of the club is a worry to all of us and the more opinions (based mostly in personal attacks to certain people - and if you look at thier private profile supporters of Canvey) that are written, the more hurt and damage is done to those who care about the club. So once again, I would ask you to keep them to yourself.


A Happy New Year to you as well. Good luck for the rest of the season and see you on Easter Monday.

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Haven't been online for a few days, but would just like to add a few comments on the boxing day game....


Thought we were tactically naive - fair play to Justin for playing an attacking line up, but we were out numbered badly in midfield. Badly missed Davidson who does the holding role for us, and with none of the front 3 dropping back Dormer Hunter and Black were all getting over-run by the Canvey midfield 5. The front 3 were pretty ropey with little or no movement, esp Okita. Reckon Tolan may be starting next game.


Wasn't too disappointed in the crowd - when you consider the year we've had - see new thread <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> - most clubs would be struggling to find 50 fans for a game where the oppo are 2/1 on to win.

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You just can't see when people are trying to help.


Anyone looking at your situation objectively can see quite clearly that your Chairman is the root of your problems, and the longer he stays the worse things will get.


If you really want to help your club you would make his existence as uncomfortable as possible. There are interested parties out there who will step in and rescue the Club if Moore were to go.


Now, getting him to go is not going to be easy. As has been stated before, he has manoeuvred ownership so that he has a dictatorship. Added to this both he and the Club are skint, and the only answer as far as he is concerned is if the Stadia Management deal goes ahead.


While that may assist his financial probs, the Jury is well and truly out as to whether it will be in the longer term interests of BTFC. Crispin, Mobrien and others have all put forward eminently sensible rationales showing why it probably won't.


For your part you put your head in the sand and refuse to acknowledge the plain facts of the Club's predicament. Worse, stating your views as VC of the Supporters Club will lead uninformed readers to think a majority of supporters are infavour of the move to Basildon. This is patently NOT the case, but you have never once been man enough to acknowledge that a significant majority of supporters don't agree with you.


As has been said before, the few of you that make up the Rod Moore crony team are as culpable as he is in hastening the demise of your club.


By the way, interesting to read Per Helge's views on the contract with Stadia management. I guess Rod has let him digest the detail of the contract and that he is sufficiently qualified in English law to give a definitive opinion

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For the record I do not make personal attacks, just because I tell you the truth and point out the very very obvious that is not a personal attack for example


"Maradonna cheated by pushing the ball into the goal with his hand." That is not a personal attack on Maradonna or Argentina it is what happened.


Stadia, Rod Moore & Co are destroying your club is not an attack on either you or them but that is what is happening.


As for previous points about me not haveing a right to comment I feel I have a right for the following reasons.


1. I am a football fan and do not want any club to go belly up.

2. I have friends who support ricay and would hate them to be upset by this.

3. I am a local resident who will be effected by these changes.

4. ricay supporters visit other sites and make comment so why should others not come here.

5. This effects everyone when such organisations feel they can ignore fans and railroad through major changes without proper consultation (I said proper) who will be next on Stadias hit list.

6. I speak to people in Margate who have also been in dealings with stadia management.

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Mobrien - or NoBrain! - before mentioning the margate situation please do some research! or are you predicting through your crystal ball that there are Roman Coins in GP!


Oh and Westy - you say you are trying to help? Not by writing that on here youre not!

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