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Enfield 0 Wealdston 8

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The sad fact is,some people still get the two clubs confused....The amount of time's i get asked...'which Enfield do you support,the one thats loses every week or the other one'.


Whilst we are trying to put pride back into football in Enfield....Those a Boreham wood are dragging the name through the mud.

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At HOME this season Enfield FC have lost:


0 - 5 v Thame

1 - 7 v Uxbridge

2 - 7 v Chesham

0 - 6 v Arsley

0 - 8 v Wealdstone


Away they have also lost


0 -8 v Thame


Our favorite song use to be......''we're the pride of non-league football'.


It's not nice to see 110 years of 'pride' being flushed down the drain.


If you liken it to a one great boxer.....How many of them have ruined their reputations by carrying on their career's long after they should thrown the towel in.






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lovely stuff said:
The sad fact is,some people still get the two clubs confused....The amount of time's i get asked...'which Enfield do you support,the one thats loses every week or the other one'.

Whilst we are trying to put pride back into football in Enfield....Those a Boreham wood are dragging the name through the mud.

Those at' Boreham Wood' are doing the best they can on limited resources, not under-achieving in a lower league. Still, enjoy Ryman 2 next season.
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Under achieving is surely in the eye of the beholder.


Still on for a top three finish, league cup final, and a very decent debut in the FA Cup, etc...


Oh, and all the effort put into the ground.


311 (and more by the end) witnessed Saturday's game at Brimsdown.


Is that under achieving?

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Hi MK.


You're normally the voice of reason.


1. How an EFC fan can talk about under achieving. <img src="/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />


2.EFC have limited resourses,but are the performances this year really the 'best they can do'...the truth is, there's not enough people at EFC to run a club successfully,and those that are there have got no experience in doing so ....Its a bloody shambles.

3. Regarding the Town....we are still fairly confident of going into Ryman 1 next season.....and if we do have to go into div 2,at least we'll have the honour of playing your good selves. <img src="/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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I'm inclined to agree with MK. Both ETFC and EFC have under-achieved on the pitch this season. For ETFC it was never going to be easy to match last year's achievements especially considering the fact that the squad is undeniably weaker this year. Add to this the fact that several other teams in the ESL have progressed and we end up with the league table looking as it does. So, ETFC have under-achieved on the pitch. However, the progress made with the ground is probably the single greatest achievement of the season.


EFC have obviously under-achieved on the pitch as well - it would be difficult to argue otherwise. However, they too have made some huge changes off the field by 'deposing' everyone's favourite former chairman and running their own club.


The difference seems to be that at the moment ETFC have a brighter future - one which will eventually bring top non-league football back to the borough of Enfield. EFC on the other hand are trying to steady the ship - maybe they will, but it would be difficult to say that the future looks bright at the moment.

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Gonzo - your right - that's kind of what I meant! I don't like to see the efforts of those running the E's slagged off, many people said that Enfield would die if Lazarou left, these guys have managed to keep us going. On the pitch perhaps results could be better, but we are now onto our 4th manager, and I don't think results have really changed under any of them. But on the plus side, Jimmy Faulkner, Sid Neilson and Matt Collier have played well for us, it is a lack of experience in the team as a whole, especially in central defence and midfield which has let us down.

As I understand it, only the champions are promoted into Ryman 1, and I also am led to believe we will be invited back, although I wouldn't be greatly bothered if we were challenging you for Division 2 honours next season.

Town have under-achieved this season, no other club in your league averages 250 supporters plus, and all the extra revenue that brings in. I wouldn't be surprised if Clarke is on more than our entire squad. With that sort of backing you should win this league comfortably season after season, even allowing for injuries and the Brimsdown pitch.


No-onbe ever said it was going to be easy.


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Yes, Town should have done better but had a poor start to the season and only got going with the addition of some good new players. The court case before the start of the season did not help and it is amazing that the ground happened at all. Not sure about all the extra revenue that we get. We are groud-sharing and I'm not sure we get any revenue from the bar at Brimsdown. I am also not too sure what our players get in terms of money but I would be surprised if it was much. It would be wrong for EFC to be invited back to Ryman 1 considering their present placing and form. ETFC would probably beat them every time so who should be in ryman 1 next season? Will EFC be any better next season or will they get hammered in the majority of games? Your are right to point out that the people at EFC are doing their best. Those at ETFC are in a similar position and it can be a thankless task, especially when things are not going well. Look forward to a local derby next season? We will see

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I don't know where you lot get the idea that ETFC Players get loads of money. The fact is they don't, all they get is Expenses, and NO we don't get any Revenue from the Brimo Bar, all we get is the Gate. Just imagine what we could achieve with our own Ground & Bar.


<img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

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I'd like to think that the Ryman League would invite ETFC up to Ryman 1 next season but I can't realistically see it happening at the moment. As things stand the champions of the ESL are eligible for promotion. However, if they can't or don't seek it then the runners-up can be invited up. It seems tough to justify inviting the 3rd placed team up, but I for one won't be complaining.


Can the Ryman league retain credibility by inviting those with the biggest support up despite the fact that they aren't proven as the best sides? - Maybe at this level.


How would ETFC get on in Ryman 2 next season? Well, we've beaten a couple of Ryman 2 sides this season but we would by no means be guaranteed promotion with tough matches against Ilford and local derbies against EFC a possibility.


ETFC need to keep up the momentum. Promotion would certainly do this, with a side-ways move to Ryman 2 the next best. Staying in the ESL is not an attractive proposition - not that we're ungrateful, it just doesn't tie-in with our ambitions.


ETFC need an influx of quality players from higher up the pyramid. Promotion would bring this as we would certainly require a reserve side.

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Squadron Leader said:

Just imagine what we could achieve with our own Ground & Bar.

<img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

World domination?
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If we were in Ryman 1; Saturday's gate would have been the 4th highest!


Bar money - I wish.


EFC - who? didn't they once play in Enfield? Aren't they now run by totally different people? Aren't they going to play ' Ware (where?) for 5 years?


let's move on. Sad to see great club struggle; but I feel no different about them than i do about leigh RMI


Long live ETFC

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Gonzo said:
Can the Ryman league retain credibility by inviting those with the biggest support up despite the fact that they aren't proven as the best sides? - Maybe at this level.

I have always opposed promotion of better supported teams above clubs who finish higher in their league. Knowing that winning the league will bring promotion is a great motivation for the players, and makes for more exciting matches. If decisions are taken for organisational or commercial reasons, the matches are less interesting. Fans have more reason to be proud of their team if they win promotion instead of having it thrust upon them.
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