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Tony, m"s thank you.


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I and i am sure all the non annon posters on this site would like to endorse Tony M's thanks to the board speach last night. As supporters we have felt the disapointments of the last 3 years,but have not had to carry the financial burden, the intensity of the ups and downs,the slagging off on the web site by morons,the untruths put about by people working to there own agendas and the whims of the people voted into office by the local electorate. I would like to say, THANK YOU, to Acting chairman,Colin Page,Secretary, Ken Tomlinson, Project man and again director Keith Piper, and Director and office face of the club Vicky for all they have done. To be able to get the club into the position it is proposed by the opening of the season is nothing short of a miracle. Thank You. Once again we can say It Onwards and Upwards.Come on the GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE.

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They were indeed well spoken words from Tony M im glad someone said them as i belive the majorty are truley thankfull for there eforts in keeping our club alive.

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Totally agree, and I was humbled by the personal cost they have paid to keep our dreams alive. My paltry efforts do not even bear comparison to theirs. Thanks to Tony M for expressing what I know the vast majority of us feel, and would have liked to say.

The morons are not fit to show their faces in the same place as these fine people. The good thing is that as we grow and gain strength they will become more and more irrelevant, until they matter not a whit.

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The other thing is, the club is so good now, we are all together, it is inclusive, we are all involved and made to feel valuable and welcome. I love going to the meetings, it is like being part of a huge circle of friends, a big family. If we can keep this exceptional atmosphere going, it will attract more people, and what a club we can be in the future!

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Oi leave delia out of it as its her birthday tomorrow and mine and the GREAT PAUL MC.ARTNEY.!!!Good spirit on here lately. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/achso.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/achso.gif" alt="" />

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Just got back from me hols and noticed this cant see Tony m saying anything apart from slaging off annons,saw him yesterday with some ugly bird,wife or girlfriend <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Why do you bother with such remarks!! People like Tony M are the salt of the earth at football clubs so leave things well alone as nobody is interested.

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Sorry forgot to log in, don't want others to think I am another Anon!! My remarks previously!


Dont get involved in much chat on the site but always looking at threads. Just had to side with Tony M.

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Yes,its been really great with that annon away on holiday. We mustn't rise to it and I hope Tony M dosent either. As for the woman it was probably annons missus. See if HE takes kindly to it!

Tonys wife is a cracker anyway so it wouldn't have been her. I'd love to pull her at Christmas! Cracker-pull at christmas! Joke, Tone Joke!

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I have been looking at that post for a good half hour and sorry Cookie I just cant leave it.Anon you have an advantage over me as in you know me but I dont know you which is very good for YOUR health,were you the one of the two idiots in the car on Sunday blasting the horn and sticking up your fingers brave man,if you wanted to tell me somthing why not stop there were two of you no instead you go on this forum.Anon you can call me what you like its like water of a ducks back in fact while your having a pop at me you are leaving the others alone BUT bringing my wife into this you step way over the mark,I am not going down to your level try to step up to the other good people on this fourm and just pray that you dont know sombody that knows me.

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