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New Ground in The Press

Windsor Rebel

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Looks awesome, looking forward to going down to the exhibition tomorrow morning. Hopefully the timescale they mention in this article (complete by end of next year) is true but given how long it has taken so far I'm not so sure! Fingers crossed though!

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We enter a period of time , with prospects ... However we all must all pull together now , its the time for our supporters to now respond in a positive and fair way , we are going to have to respect that some people will not see this as a good idea and we must not get into broiled arguments , it is important to listen and try to understand from other people points of views. The most important thing is to show that this ground (not a stadium) will become our new home and we are happy to share this with the local community.


The word stadium will frighten many, and their conception will conger up massive football stadiums ..this will not be nothing like that and we must ensure that this message is put over to them.. The ground will be a small area where we can call it home.


The other facilities on site will be used by the School during term times (daytimes) and the other facilities will and can be used for the benefit of the people of this area , which as a resident of Wexham I can vouch for .. It will benefit from new housing , school use and a home for Slough Town FC. So we must ensure people get the message we are only a small part of this project and look forward to coming home to our Town we represent.


regards Chris S ... personally.

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I would just like to endorse what Chris has said about not using the term "stadium" in this context. It does have the capacity to scare people who are unwilling to find out the facts for themselves and, as we found at Horsham, can be exploited unscrupulously by interests opposed to the development in question. Having applied for planning permission for a 3,000 overall capacity ground at our Holbrook site-to meet step 3 requirements- we were repeatedly represented in the local press, and to their eternal shame by hostile local councillors, as wanting a 3,000 seat stadium. That was not the only reason why our application failed spectacularly but it certainly did not help matters.

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An excellent, informative site. It looks like a fantastic community project which will serve many benefits to different ages in the borough and not only in a sporting sense. Whilst I don't doubt there will be objections, hopefully the numerous positives of this project will outweigh the concerns. Well done to the entire board of the club for progressing this through to this stage. Let's keep pulling together now to get it through to a stage where the first blocks are being laid and we can truly think about coming home.

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The website looks absolutely fantastic and looking at the ground and the community facilities actually gave me goosebumps. Long way to go but it is incredibly exciting. Great work being done by all concerned.

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Theres a host of information now available on www.arbourpark.com for those interested.


Tom, Is it possible to put a link to the Arbour Park web-site on the home page so people could just click on it when they visit the Slough web-site to get any up-dates?

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Just been along to the exhibition, it looks excellent and very professional.

me as well very good and positive
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The West Wing exhibition is absolutely brilliant. Ultra professional and superbly laid out. What comes across very clearly is that the football club is just one part of this whole thing and that's a much wider project incorporating many benefits for the people of Slough. Watching the video showing shots of the new ground made me really proud to be a Rebel.


I spoke to a representative of Paradigm and also the Slough Council surveyor (I think that was his title). Both stressed the need for the questionnaires to be completed positively and that can be done via the www.arbourpark.com site.



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