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Stadium Development - Update


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Oh just great. All these years, all the money,time & effort put into this, all for this to happen. Can't say I'm not "too" surprised as they couldnt be expected to hold on forever.

So it's back to square one then & back to the drawing board.Good bye once & for all,or a least for the forseeable future to the new stadium then.

I think,despite the occasional optimism,deep down,many of us thought this wouldn't ever come off & as it stands it looks like we were spot on unless the club can see another, quicker way of getting that stadium built & boy do we need one or at the very least a new stand down the bottom end & new changing rooms. (I have always pitied the players for having to change in such small quarters).

Looks like the council have got their end target & rewards for their incessant delaying tactics.Just how they planned it I guess.I expect they are all in their little offices right now opening up the champagne.A bad day at the office is this (unless you are in a council one that is!)

Am extremely pissed off with this news as will most others be I should imagine

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Not given to swearing -but 'oh xxck'.


Maybe not too much of a surprise after all the delays ?


was it a simple timescale pull out-or associated funding i wonder


irrevalent really at this stage.


Keep your chin up and keep going KP.



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Thank you, Thank You, Thank You to all those small minded Play at politics while, the area falls to pieces members of our national joke. What a great week for the area, with the announcement that inftrail is selling Manston.( why was the 106 taken from dreamland? Inquiry please. The men responsible both public and private prosecuted please) When are the people of thanet going to wake up to and out these people.

Come on you people with vision, ability and back bone, its time to stand up for your area. Get them out, one and all.

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gutted and that's being polite but as mentioned the Travel Lodge people were not going to wait for ever.....but can see it now IF a new backer can be found in the very near future plans drawn up, endless council meetings etc etc etc be the same as the past year or worse. Again as mentioned 'chin up' but people can only take so many knock backs after being so close...

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Must be like running in the Grand national,leading the field, only needing to jump the last fence to win but then to fall at the last fence. Gutted,really really gutted.

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The council i.m.o.had a strategy & plan of action & they are the one's to have have come out winners.Not ALL their fault I'm sure but by gum they have contributed in a major way to this end result.They lead us up a garden path.

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bet the next thing to happen the council will get back and say sorry about the lease delay but guess what 'it's approved'.....then in the next breath 'oh dear TL has pulled out' oh well we did our bit but more cash in the future coming our way....

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Sorry Cookie but disagree. This IS ALL the Councils fault.


We have 54 Councillors whose only interest is how much money they can get for the role. Just compare how much is paid into the hands of the councillors compared to say street cleaning, rubbish collection or sea defences to name just 3


Not one of them has proved to me that they give any thought or consideration to the area or the people they are meant to represent.


That is why Margate has been dying over the years and we are the dumping ground for everyone elses undesirables.

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A fortnight ago we were told:


Travelodge have accepted this delay and remain on-board, all other aspects of the development are ready to commence.


A series of final meetings with building control and fire officers have taken place this week, and the majority of planning conditions have been met, or agreements reached.


Director Keith Piper said: “We will keep our supporters informed, once the key issue of the long lease has been determined by Thanet District Council."


Today: We're told they've pulled out.


All very confusing. If there has been some conspiracy at the council then the developer and the club would be within their rights to sue the local authority.

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Maybe the club can confirm if Mr Lever is still on board.

It is about time that TDC were exposed as being next to useless. Thanet has nothing to offer the next generation. All they are worried about is votes. That is probably why Manston (now up for sale) will never get night flights and we'll never get our new ground. I do not know of any other council that mess around like TDC. If the ground was in Herne Bay of Dover it would have been built by know. Time for the public to start asking questions...

I see no future for my 3 week old son in Thanet and if it wasn't for my family, i'd be moving out of the area.

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Tony, they do not come out winners in the long run.

They are all a disgrace, who ever they are.

No excuses.


We need people with BALLS, not self interest to sort this area out.


Thanet is fortunate in being small enough to be a community( if you have ever taken off from Manston you realise how small it really is).

It has 3 main areas each with fantastic natural features, what it does not need are extra levels of bureaucracy( Town councils) with the expenses,(15G for a secratary to one "Town" council)and the extra council tax I am paying,that comes with it just to stroke certain peoples ego's.

Its time the people of thanet stood up for themselves.

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I am sure that it has been asked before but are the council answerable to a higher and preferably independent body when it comes to seemingly unfair treatment of planning applications?


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Just remember what they have done for this area (NOTHING) when it comes to the next election.


They have sat on this lease issue whilst two deadlines have come and gone . . . it has a very bad smell about it from my point of view.

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Congratulations Paul and Leah.

2 councillors said to me the other night that the area need help. I agreed and told the best help would be for them to resign. silence followed.

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who the hell would want to invest any business in the area if word spreads what has gone on regarding this fiasco.....but saying that look what's happened at Manston with hotels, fast food etc did that have probs being given the ok?

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Words cannot express the disappointment I feel at hearing this news.


What a catastropic disaster for the Thanet region.


If the fault lies with those whom we elect as our public servants then the ballot box is maybe the only way to show gross disappoval,

Those within TDC both councillors and staff whose responsibilty is economic regeneration must be feeling pretty low today. This project would have provided a much needed micro economy for Thanet, look what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket ie Pfizer and Manston Airport, they pull out.


Begs the questions What is the hidden agenda ? Also how can those who delayed this thus far live with themselves denying todays and future residents the benefits of this project ?

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