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Mason's joined Brackley Town


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intelligent remark.. he's to old now i take it from you message. 21 years old. He should be playing at a higher level than brackely can offer. Talented kid with better players round him he's sure to improve.

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i think its a shame that he has gone i thought he was a good player for us, but has trouble tackling since his injury. i wouldve wanted him to stay because he was good going forward, but i can understand why he and others would want to leave.

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Yet another anon posting singing a players praises. Wonder whether this was Leigh himself, or someone on his behalf. If the fans are going to get stick for their honest opinions at least you could identify yourselves as well. Anon posters piss me off. We may "hide" behind posting names, but we are registered and accountable. We'll be here long after all the anons have buggered off to distant planets.

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I think it's a big loss. I thought Leigh would have been one of the players to see it through, particularly after turning Brackley down over the summer months.


Thought he was much more effective in the centre of midfield than on the wing and could potentially have been just trying to do his bit for the team and playing out on the wing rather than playing in what I though was his best position in the middle.


With all these players going, I hope we'll get a few youngsters in to boost the numbers ahead of a crunch game with Hendon on Saturday.

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I am writing on behalf of a lady who has been both a players wife, old 4th Division and semi-pro, and now a players mother in non league.

Definitely not a WAG but just a family person with three children, two still at college, the other went into football plus part time job.

For family people in non league life can be very difficult. If the husband is the player he is away from the family all day most Saturdays, leaving it to the wife, who usually has to work full time to keep heads above water, to do everything from entertain kids to all shopping. And he is knackered and battered Sundays and just wants to lie down, she says!!

Lots of players drive thousands of miles a year to reach the team they are with.

In the semi pro world it is really difficult to also hold down a good job or get promoted at work, unless in the family business, as you have to turn down overtime, extra shifts and sometimes leave work early for training & midweek matches particularly away.

And self employed? Try getting health insurance covering wages loss when you say you play football. One broken leg from a tackle and you can be off work for ages.

So the families rely on at least the petrol being covered for playing football. Otherwise they are well out of pocket. Clubs should not promise money and then not pay up when its due. Its not easy to tell the wife "sorry we are not getting paid so there's no money."

Please do not think all players are mercenaries.

Fans want people to play for the sheer joy but when Christmas is coming its who's paying for the kids presents that counts. Sorry.

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Anonymous said:
intelligent remark.. he's to old now i take it from you message. 21 years old. He should be playing at a higher level than brackely can offer. Talented kid with better players round him he's sure to improve.

No, merely saying that a couple of years ago he had a superb season, and had a bad injury and was never the same, from what ive heard hes a trojan for even playign through it. So yes it was an Intelligent/infomed remark and i thankyou for praising me on it.
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"How it is" I suggest you send your remarks to the club as it is them who are not paying the wages.


The fans are handing over the cash at the gate to the club and putting money in in other ways.


The fans also leave their wives and family when they travel away and it is the fans who always have less money in their pockets when they return and they dont get paid expences!


Talk to the club as that is where the problem is!!!!!

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I agree with both Gary and Kirby - at the beginning of this season I thought this would be Mason's big season, where he'd shine in midfield after Harris left. Sadly though his injury seems to have affected him, though he was always one of our better players this season and I think we'll miss him.


Sadly another case of players having to move on to where the money is, and I'm sure he won't be the last. Good luck Leigh.

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I do beleive it can be very hard being a semi pro footballer and hoping ends meet with money etc..but surley at Ryman league level..no player should be using this money as life and death ...this surley is only pin money...and a way of keeping fit and having a good standard of playing football....


Slough (with Martyn Deaner) has have problems finding money but speaking with the old stalwarts they get their money in the end... (not right) but that is life in the non league world !!


and I thinks its getting far far worse not only for Slough but for Non league clubs in general...


chris s

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Thing is Chris say the players are getting anything from £50 to lets say £200 a week. They are still going to budget it into their lifestyle! To tell players that they shouldn't rely on the wages is abit rude to be fair. What if a player doesn't have a well paid job due to his football commitments?

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