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Ryman Division Two

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I can see where you are coming from and I have great respect for the ESL and the clubs involved therein. However, by taking part in the Ryman league a club will attract better players, I believe that the promotional prospects are better (I may stand corrected) but most importantly attracting sponsors will be easier as it is more recognisedleague and certainly a more recognised league sponsor. Each club invited will have to make it's own mind up as to the best route to follow. However, if we do move, there will always be a place in Town fans' hearts for the ESL.

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I believe it may be a little different for you in your Geographical position but:


a)The teams in Ryman Two currently are no more attractive and play in front of no larger crowds than teams in the ESL


b)Extra travelling (ie like of Abingdon away etc)costs will probably eat in to any extra sponsorship


c)If it enhances promotion prospects then there is obviously a fiddle going on

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1. I would suggest that Ryman teams are more attractive to play than ESL teams (to us)....I think the Ryman 2 attendences would be at least double the average ESL crowd...Although doubling an average attendence of 30/40 would not be hard.


B. Yes some teams will be further away ,just as some teams will be nearer...Don't forget ETFC are 'outsiders' in the ESL...that won't be the case in the Ryman..ie..we might get a decent ref occassionaly.


c. I wouln't bet agianst the ESL winners for next season only being offered a Ryman 2 place.



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I guess someone didn`t get an invite.

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Two points to bear in mind.


1) Several Ryman 2 games this season have had no assistant referees and club linesman have had to run the line. With more clubs equalling more games this is likely to mean even more games without assistants (Ryman 2 officials are not appointed by the FA). It will mean less expenses but will increase inconsistency and is not a particularly professional situation for this level of football.


2) Mike Appleby, the FA National Leagues Manager, met with the SSML clubs last night and confirmed that this is the last season for which Ryman 2 will have two promotion places. From next season, ONE Ryman 2 club will go into the promotion pool along with one club from each of the feeders so there is unlikely to be any advantage promotion-wise from already being in the Ryman League.

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There seems to be general consensus that:


a. Ryman II will be no smaller then ESL next season

b. Crowds are bigger, more away support, etc.

c. Promotion prospects are no different


and a view about the absence of officials on occsion (which sounds a bit unlikely to me), but in any event surely they are no worse that ESL.


I am struggling to see why an invited team wouldn't join, unless in the case of Concord and other more remote teams travelling costs are a barrier. If that's the case, it would be preferable to say so, rather than agree with others who seem to be suffering an overdose of sour grapes!

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All clubs have now received a 2-3 page letter from yours truly on our meeting with the F A and the state of play with the Ryman Div 2 and relegation/promotion issues that effect the 15 Leagues at our Level. I hope you will get sight of it as I am still reluctant, despite the interest i know you all have on discussing the issues on this forum. Suffice to say that I respect the views of Boroman who has got it right but another reason is that I, along with my fellow Chairmen of the Leagues have been burning the midnight oil on trying to sort out this messy business so that everyone has a fair crack of the whip, a situation I fear is not the case at the moment. A lot of water still has to flow under the bridge before the big May 9th meeting when the F A decide who goes where. OK, so this doesn't tell you everything you want to know but that's the way it has to be folks !

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