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Play Offs

J Lo

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If their ground capacity falls short of the requirement, then how did they pass the Ground Inspection on their promotion ?


F.A. boobs, again ?? <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/chloe.gif" alt="" />

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yes it is correct...trouble is the rules keep changing so we've asked for clarification from the Conference which is on its way.


It was 500 seats under one roof at the beginning of the season and is now 500 under 2 roofs I understand....


we have a ground safety certificate for 3800 but its a question of if the conference accept that or want their own checks carried out...


as I understand things, we may have to turn the eastside seating into terracing to comply...not sure we would want to do that but we'll see...


there is also another issue about a 'boardroom' being directly attached to the main stand...


one thing for sure...unless they relax the rules there won't be any confsouth playoffs this season...no disrespect to canvey but how did they get in and now others can't....


its all a bit furry methinks but we'll see...

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I doubt any of the sides currrently in the top five including Grays have a Conference standard ground. How our ground is deemed Conference standaed beats me to be honest!!

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the conference have for years EU been foiled in their attempts to get justice for their teams going automatically into the leagues proper....now they are finding their feet they also will not allow the old boys

connie clubs to be violated....right or wrong...we'll see....




trust me...they don't want us in there...that was turveys argument about the breakaway league last year....he may well have been right..the attendences are poor and the clubs in confguide sth...(except us and redbridge...love the irony <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />:o) make a loss each week....


what will be will be....loads of water under bridges yet methinks... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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No water has flowed under me since 1984 when i fecking nearly drowned at clacton!!!

............ [color:"red"] and you STILL haven't paid for that broken toilet bowl, after you fell into it, p1ssed, young Bridge !!

[color:"black"] <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/pipe.gif" alt="" />
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I'll bring my Canvey shirt then!!

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as far as i understand it,us & lewes can't get into the play offs as our grounds fail to meet the reuirements,so we are looking at a possible senario,of cambridge v weymouth and whoever finishes 12-19 grabbing a play off place,good luck welling as they are the only team i have seen with a better ground than canvey or leigh rmi,i thought the ryman league was full off [****!!****],but it seems the conference south are just as bad,what about a senario of whoever finishes 2-5 grabs a play off place and the winner goes up and if its us the conference prospers as our average gate will hit 1300,or do we let leigh rmi,canvey or grays in and watch crowds of under 500,progress,some of the [****!!****] that run football in this country really haven't got a clue.

with my kindest regards to those concerned

mr r.a burgess(otherwise known as eastside,gooner or just plain old fat [****!!****])i rest my case,bet you can't rest yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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sorry,i forgot to include thurrock in that,as they obviously have previous for getting under a thousand for a first round fa cup tie against oldham(yes fecking oldham,remember them,they was in the [censored] premier league,hughesy knocked em out the semi final of the fa cup in extra time,hardly a big [censored] draw was they)!!!!!!!!!!

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>>>a possible senario,of cambridge v weymouth


Unlikely, if the conference has a 3000 capacity minimum requirement, as Cambridge City's ground was restricted to two thousand for their FA Cup match against MK (Wimbledon, as was).


Hornchurch has I think a 3800 certificate - obviously there are other restrictions but the capacity limit alone would prevent Cambbridge City.


The average gate is not a factor - Redbridge Forest and currently Leigh RMI are the prime examples here.


Thurrock certainly have a large enough capacity, but may have problems as there is no covered accommodation down either of the sides (other than the main stand). For the match last season with Luton, they allocated three sides (the large open terrace, and both covered ends) to Luton, leaving only the flat standing area to home supporters (this is the side with the main stand on it). They also put up the prices - we paid twice as much to get in as per normal, and had to pretend we were Luton supporters in order to get into a part of the ground where the three children with me could actually see the match. Compare that to Hornchurch where all three children - in fact I took four that day - got in free.


Given that, it is hardly a surprise that so few home followers turned out for the Oldham match.


And, for the record, I wanted Purfleet to win - I don't automatically dislike a club simply because they are in the same league - I can of course make one notable exception, though I will still be going there in March.

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i would like any team in our league to beat anyone from league football(with the exception of the pikeys down the road)i just feel that we are being penalised because the conference has scumbag fans like aldershot and hereford who we would have to control,once again the small fry lose out while our larger friends run the show,good luck aldershot,your fans have done you proud over the years,fecking idiots.seems the conference is full of [****!!****] as well as the ryman,we may not win or even get in the play offs but i think we deserve the chance,so do lewes,thurrock,cambridge,weymouth,eastbourne and whoever ends up in the said positions!!!!!!!!!!

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