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suspected suicide bomber has been shot by armed police

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Man shot by armed police on Tube


A man has been shot at Stockwell Tube station by armed police officers, police confirm.

Passengers were evacuated from a Tube train on the Northern Line station in south London after the incident.


Passenger Mark Whitby told BBC News he had seen an Asian man shot five times by "plain-clothes police officers".


Services on the Victoria and Northern lines have been suspended following a request by the police, London Underground said.


Police are hunting four would-be bombers after Thursday's London blasts.


The bombers fled after detonators went off, causing small blasts, but failed to detonate the bombs themselves.


Mr Whitby, told BBC News: "I saw an Asian guy run onto the train hotly pursued by three plain-clothes police officers.


"One of them was carrying a black handgun - it looked like an automatic - they pushed him to the floor, bundled on top of him and unloaded five shots into him."


Passenger Briony Coetsee said: "We were on the Tube and then we suddenly heard someone say, 'Get out, get out' and then we heard gunshots."

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With any luck many more of them will be treated in similar fashion. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/attentat.gif" alt="" />

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Southport - TOWNER said:
I hear that the instruction is now shoot to kill, if it is a suspected suicide bomber; a big change in armed police protocol.

Poor Police are heroes if they get it right and damned if they get it wrong. I thank our Police and special forces for all the work they are doing trying to protect us. We do appreciate you. Thank you!
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JD ???


try this


The term "an eye for an eye" is a pronouncement of equality that is as old as civilization. King Hammurabi used that language anciently to describe enforcement of equality wherein evils done by one individual to another were punishable by returning the same evil to the guilty party. Moses imposed such a law in Israel also as "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." It is repeated three times in the Torah.

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As long as it wasn't "sheep farming in barnet"!

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Ponders Ender said:
Silly man running away, All he was in fact was an illegal immigrant. Our poor police just cant win with idiots like this doing runners.

I don't think his status has been established one way or the other yet - all we have is some selective leaking. Jack Straw said last night "my understanding is that he was here lawfully".

As for the police: yes they are in a difficult situation, but they do seem to have gone spectacularly wrong here.
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I think that those applauding the death of an innocent man and talking of an eye for an eye should really be considering their position now.


I actually think that we live in a pretty sick society that when a man is shot in the head by a witness it is reported by that witness that he looked "pakistani".


I also think that Kate Hoey is an ignorant politician and the public would be better served if she was in a rest home somewhere.


As for the guardian of our souls, Sir Ian Blair, what happened to the doctrine it is better that 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man is wrongly convicted.


A "shoot to kill" policy will lead us back into the days of the wild west and is totally immoral. The state has no right to take a life.

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