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Anybody on here standing for the MYFC Board ?


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I know,Jeff.

I was just taken the piss on a Friday early evening.Is that the right way to say it,I´m from Swiden.

Like I said,I know a real fan when I see one..even in cyberspace..and I agree with your final conclusion.

MyFC society board is not for you,not at this time.

I´ll be voting for DA 11..if Graham S is not to declare himself a candidate.

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Originally Posted By: BustaGut

I would suggest that the trust physically hold shares, that can be actually sold by the trust, with the proceeds hopefully going to the club, what do you get if you try and sell yours ??

The MyFC Society holds the shares and can sell them and, like the Fleet Trust, no individual can make a profit from the shares (legal position of a 'trust').

Originally Posted By: BustaGut
but you as a person own nothing,thats how I see it, if you do have a legal share certificate to show you are a legal owner of Ebbsfleet then bring it to a game, as i would be very interested to see a shares certificate that has to be paid for every year!!!

You as a member of the Fleet Trust own nothing either - if you are not a member of the Trust you have no say in what happens the shares - if I am not a member of MyFC I have no say in what happens the shares.

Both the Fleet Trust and MyFC are registered with exactly the same government regulator and the same rules apply to both.
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Originally Posted By: doheochai
but the Fleet Trust don't operate a website to facilitate 28,000+ people to run a football club.

crikey...foot in gob time again wanchai...you either drink to much or suffer from hypertension...these hostings can accomodate far more than that without cost...and many of the fora posters run football clubs

did you actually do any research before you arrived on here from limerick...?
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Originally Posted By: doheochai
[The MyFC Society holds the shares and can sell them and, like the Fleet Trust, no individual can make a profit from the shares (legal position of a 'trust').
You as a member of the Fleet Trust own nothing either - if you are not a member of the Trust you have no say in what happens the shares - if I am not a member of MyFC I have no say in what happens the shares.

Both the Fleet Trust and MyFC are registered with exactly the same government regulator and the same rules apply to both.

So at last you admit you own nothing? brooks does. you pay a subscription, so you are not a owner, at last you get the point phewww just because Brooks says your a owner does not make you one
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Originally Posted By: BustaGut
Originally Posted By: doheochai
[The MyFC Society holds the shares and can sell them and, like the Fleet Trust, no individual can make a profit from the shares (legal position of a 'trust').
You as a member of the Fleet Trust own nothing either - if you are not a member of the Trust you have no say in what happens the shares - if I am not a member of MyFC I have no say in what happens the shares.

Both the Fleet Trust and MyFC are registered with exactly the same government regulator and the same rules apply to both.

So at last you admit you own nothing? brooks does. you pay a subscription, so you are not a owner, at last you get the point phewww just because Brooks says your a owner does not make you one

the motivation and control over sycophantic wannabee tycoons and footie club managers busta is a very powerful tool in the hands of those that seek to gain...... arrr
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Originally Posted By: BustaGut

So at last you admit you own nothing? brooks does. you pay a subscription, so you are not a owner, at last you get the point phewww just because Brooks says your a owner does not make you one

Will Brooks owns a computer.

Busta - if you want to have a discussion about this I am quite happy to contribute. if you just want to have a pop at MyFC then enjoy the ride with UU.

I did note that you did not answer the point I made about the Trust's ownership of the shares.
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Originally Posted By: David Holden
Originally Posted By: Lord Horn
chelseaspencer (who is a local and dedicated convert to the Fleet)

You couldn't make it up could you.

So you'd rather that you don't get locals to see the light and discover what's on their doorstep? I thought the whole idea was to try and get as many locals in to watch the Fleet as possible to ensure guaranteed attendances and a firm footing for the future. Can't see what's so wrong with that. arrr
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Originally Posted By: wanchai
Busta - if you want to have a discussion about this I am quite happy to contribute. if you just want to have a pop at MyFC then enjoy the ride with UU.

now look what you have done busta...old wanchai is on your case as well now... shocked

pray tell wanchai....why is a difference of opinion that doesn't suit you having a pop at MyFc..?

I am a member the same as you...my opinion is therfore as valid as yours and as worthy of being heard...or do you think your 35 quid is better than mine...?

IMO you personally have misled this forum and the real fleet fans because you always knew that the concept was flawed...every one knows that....except you perhaps...

or perhaps you do know and your dream of actually being a football club owner is now a little fragile....
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